On Wednesday, June 12, a moving truck from AMJ Campbell showed up with three of the nicest movers we’ve ever met. No offence to all you wonderful people who have helped us move over the years, but they brought their own truck, did all the heavy lifting, and required no pizza afterwards!

Let’s rewind a little bit.
Friday, May 31 saw Charity and the children helping to close out the final Super 60’s of the year.

On Saturday, June 1, we enjoyed all of our friends and family who came to our open house. In an attempt to make this day fun and exciting (instead of somber and depressing because we were leaving), Charity came up with the idea of buying a helium tank + balloon kit from Costco. It seemed to work! We also praise the LORD for overriding the weather that day and holding off the rain for all the kids to enjoy being outside with the balloons, bubbles, and chalk.

Sunday, June 2nd we said goodbye to our church family. Or, rather, our church family said goodbye to us — circumstances prevented us from being physically in the auditorium that Sunday morning, but I think Pastor Andy said some nice words. God knew what we needed at the time, though we were disappointed not to be in the room.
The week following saw us beginning to pack, but the effort only really began in earnest once I wrapped up my work week. Four straight days of packing and re-packing commenced, including Kijiji sales, a garage sale, dump runs, and a last minute effort to sell our upright piano to avoid the associated moving costs. (Spoiler: it’s presently on its way to PEI!)
Notwithstanding the usual difficulties between siblings, our children were amazing throughout those days of packing and moving. Anne stepped up to take a bigger part in caring for Kathryn, and even Kathryn seemed to understand that something big was afoot. I think she’ll be a hardier little girl as a result..

When all was said and done, the house in which we’ve built a home over the past seven years stood empty.

Three days of travelling, and we once again sit in the dining room in which we started this blog almost a month ago. It hasn’t all been fun. We’ve shed more than a few tears over more than a few trials. We’ve put 1800km between some of our closest friends and families — there’s no easy solution to that.
As we wrestled with these difficulties, Charity reminded me that just as we can trust God to open doors, so too can we trust Him to close them. We thus conclude that this remains God’s will for our lives at this time. How long we cannot know. Yet, as we had hoped, changes are already happening within our family. More on that another day.
We were so sorry to have missed your farewell open house! We look forward to seeing you when you come back to visit and wish you all the best as you set up your new home out east. We Love you guys!.
So glad you arrived safe and sound. We wish you all the best in your next chapter and know that God will be there to support and celebrate with you everyday. Looking forward to hearing about pei and Anne with an E
This blog just came up on my news feed…love it!!
I really had not known all these details of your ‘good-byes’ or I would have been there for your farewell ! Anyway, just wanted you all to know what a blessing you have been in our lives in the church family and also personally!!
We know you will be a blessing wherever God leads…(but secretly hope He sees fit to lead you back to us in Waterloo!). It’s an exciting life, living by faith, and it pleases our God when He sees your obedience to follow His direction, even when all your questions are not always answered before you follow!!
Keep up the blog , Jesse…it helps to watch your journey and follow you in prayer!!
Love to all… 💞
Sharon Brubacher
This is Abigail.The blog was great and I enjoyed seeing the pictures of my best friends.