Once again, we sit down to capture another month of blessings. Perhaps once things settle down, we can write about specific events in more detail, but this is another “catch-up” kind of post.
On October 7, Anne completed her first cross-country track and field event, placing 70th out of about 200 girls in running 1.5km. She had been building strength for several weeks with a number of other homeschoolers in anticipation of this public school event. We’re so grateful for homeschooling veterans and their years of investment into our island community.
The children enjoyed a much deserved milkshake to celebrate the accomplishment after a rainy morning!

Our Canadian Thanksgiving began with an unusually early morning: taking Molasses and Lambchop to a local butcher. From the beginning of this shepherding adventure, our children fully understood the end goal: to harvest the animals for meat. While we worried about the potential for emotional attachment, Anne surprised us one day by declaring, “I’m tired of Lambchop headbutting me all the time. I hope we get to eat him.”
Despite not having “proper farm equipment”, we found our Honda Odyssey suitable transport for two 100+lb sheep!
While we waited for the animals to be butchered, we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with our close friends, the Stiff Family! Moving to Prince Edward Island alongside this dear family has been a tremendous encouragement and help. We give God the glory for the doors He opened to bring us here.
Several days after thanksgiving, we received the harvest and enjoyed a “Meat and Greet” event with the family with whom we shared ownership of the lambs. The evening concluded with dessert — from apples we picked the day prior — and a competitive game of Rook. It still astonishes us to reflect on God’s goodness in putting into our lives new friends with whom we share so much in common, and who challenge us to love the LORD by their faithful example.
If you’re wondering: no, we haven’t actually tried the lamb yet! We hurriedly packed the meat into the freezer, and then spent most of the next day packing our belongings for a return trip to Waterloo, Ontario.
Our primary goal in returning was to spend time with friends and family in remembering the passing of Jesse’s mom one year ago. We also managed to squeeze in l’HaRMas, a Charlotte Mason homeschooling conference; Men of Honour, an annual men’s conference run by First Baptist Church; Harvestfest, an indoor alternative to trick-or-treating; and a dentist cleaning — and unexpected cavity filling. Poor Alfred, but he handled it like a champ!!

As we make our way home, we regret not having been able to visit everyone we know and love. To those we could not see in person: know that we love you, and value your prayers tremendously. Please continue to stay in touch!