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Lambchop & Molasses

Introducing the two newest members of our family: Lambchop & Molasses.

This particular adventure actually started the day after we arrived, when the kids woke us up exclaiming, “The sheep are coming today!”

We knew there was the potential to care for some sheep on the property, but both we (and our landlord!) were surprised how quickly that materialized. Thanks to the kindness of a family in our new local church, we now wake up in the morning to release the sheep into a half-acre of grass, and coax them back into the barn at night with some molasses and oats.

They honestly don’t require much maintenance. Kathryn bubbles with delight whenever she sees them — or any other animal for that matter — and the older kids love feeding them leaves from the apple tree. That beign said, Alfred came in the other day crying his eyes out and screaming, “Lambchop tried to eat me!” He had gone to feed Lambchop (the male, white-faced one) some leftover pieces of apple, but it seems Lambchop was more interested in nibbling at Alfred’s yellow shirt. The friendship has since been restored!

In our last update, we hinted at seeing the start of changes within our family. As Paul puts it:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Indeed, we know these changes are for the better, but not all of them have been pleasant. Moving away from our friends and family, our church and neighbourhood communities, and even the familiarity of our local farmers market: all of this change hasn’t been easy.

It’s almost as if we pushed a giant “reset” button in our lives, turning all the lights back on and showcasing those weaknesses that had just disappeared in the noise of a busy life. We’re actually rather glad for all of this. Just as a tree bears more fruit after it has been pruned, so we look to the LORD to use us more effectively as a result of these trials.

Pray simply that we would not tire of the challenge, but rise to the occasion, set aside any distractions, and fulfill God’s plan and purpose here in this new place. Each of us need the LORD to keep us on the straight and narrow way, and we’re so grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for making that possible!

All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned every one to his own way;
and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6
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